获得高中文凭永远不会太晚. Continue and complete your high 通过成人高中文凭课程接受学校教育.

我们的课程是由加州社区学院校长办公室批准的 提供全面的教育,包括英语、数学、社会和语言课程 行为科学,自然科学,人文科学,以及选修课. 

注:成人高中文凭课程有限制.  Your placement in courses will be based on the assessment process.

  Watch Our Video For More Information

Complete the following courses to graduate and earn your diploma!

你必须在下列科目中修满160学分. The number of AHSD 每个类别所需的课程将因学生而异,具体取决于学生 在以前的高中/大学(如果有的话)完成的课程,以及工作/志愿者; 和/或军事经验,这可以算作选修学分.   

Required Courses:

English (30 credits) 

  • AHSD 6400实用英语技能(5学分)  
  • 创意写作入门(5学分) 
  • AHSD 6401语法基础A(5学分)  
  • AHSD 6402语法基础B(5学分)
  • AHSD 6403 Essentials in Writing A (5 credits)
  • AHSD 6404基本写作B(5学分)   
  • AHSD 6407 Reading Fundamentals (5 credits)  
  • AHSD 6408多元文化文学入门(5学分) 

Mathematics (25 credits)

  • AHSD 6421 Math Basics (5 credits)
  • AHSD 6422 Mathematics Pre-Algebra (5 credits)
  • AHSD 6423 Algebra IA (5 credits)
  • AHSD 6424 Algebra IB (5 credits)
  • AHSD 6425几何入门(5学分)

Social & Behavioral Sciences (30 credits)

  • AHSD 6411 U.S. 历史:前殖民主义到内战(5学分)
  • AHSD 6412 U.S. 历史:重建至今(5学分)
  • AHSD 6413美国政府简介(5学分) 
  • AHSD 6414经济学概论(5学分)
  • AHSD 6415当代美国社会问题(5学分)
  • AHSD 6416 Global Affairs (5 credits)  
  • AHSD 6417 World Geography (5 credits)

Natural Sciences (20 credits)

  • AHSD 6426 Life Science- Biology (5 credits)
  • AHSD 6427生命科学-生理学(5学分)
  • AHSD 6428物理科学-化学(5学分)
  • AHSD 6429物理科学-物理学(5学分)
  • 环境科学-生态学(5学分)

Humanities (10 credits)  

  • AHSD 6432 Art History (5 credits)
  • AHSD 6436 Music Appreciation (5 credits)
  • AHSD 6439 Contemporary Spanish (5 credits)

Electives (45 credits)

  • AHSD 6400实用英语技能(5学分) Meets English and/or elective requirements.
  • 创意写作入门(5学分) Meets English and/or elective requirements.
  • 环境科学-生态学(5学分) 符合自然科学和/或选修要求.
  • AHSD 6431学术成功的技术技能(5学分)
  • AHSD 6435 Health (5 credits)
  • AHSD 6437 Digital Art & Design (5 credits) Meets Humanities and/or elective requirements.
  • A total of 4.5年以上的工作经验或志愿者工作经验可以作为选修课 credits. 学生可以在个案的基础上获得学分. Ask your counselor for details. 


成人高中文凭课程有限制,你将无法注册 没有完成分班测试,也没有见过辅导员. Your placement will 以评估过程为基础,包括你的高中等信息 成绩、考试成绩、工作经验等多项指标. A Counselor may 推荐在符合你需要的水平上的安置. Go to Assessment/Placement, and Meet with a Counselor, for information about these requirements.

请注意:成人高中文凭分班考试成绩有效期为2年. 如果你的成绩仍然有效,你不需要重新参加考试.

Residency Requirements:

A minimum of 20 credits must be completed in residency at PCC; this means that you take a minimum of four, (5) credit courses. To graduate from the Adult High School 太阳城集团官方网址导航的文凭(AHSD)课程,你必须完成至少一项 四(4)在PCC非学分部门AHSD课程. You may use PCC credit courses 然而,至少(1)门课程必须是AHSD课程. Only 一个班级挑战可以申请居住要求.

要获得太阳城集团官方网址导航的成人高中文凭,你需要 修完160学分的必修课程. Students are awarded a High 在完成加州规定的课程后获得学校文凭 以及帕萨迪纳社区学院区.

一旦你完成并通过了所有必修课程,提交请愿书 form "Petition for Adult High School Diploma"


Steps to Get Started

使用下面的指南开始参加成人高中文凭课程的课程. For more detailed instructions, go to How to Take Noncredit Classes

  1. 在课程表中查看课程的可用性

    要在课程表中找到成人高中文凭课程,请查找主题 “Adult High School Diploma”.

    Go to Class Schedule

  2. Choose which type of student you are:


    1. Apply to Noncredit
      • 如果你还没有opencc帐户,创建一个.
    2. Receive Welcome Letter via email
    3. Activate your LancerPoint account
    4. Complete Placement Tests
    5. Meet with a Counselor
      • 您将在评估/安置当天安排与辅导员的预约 test.
    6. Check your Registration Status Date in LancerPoint
    7. Register for classes in LancerPoint using CRN# 

    如果你是一名学生,在缺席一门或多门课程后返回,请遵循以下步骤 major semester(s):

    1. Reapply to Noncredit
      • 如果你还没有opencc帐户,创建一个.
    2. Receive Welcome Letter via email
    3. Reactivate your LancerPoint account
    4. Complete Placement Tests
      • 除非你从未参加过高中分班考试,或者参加过超过 距离上次高中分班考试已经过去两年了.
    5. Meet with a Counselor
    6. Check your Registration Status Date in LancerPoint
    7. Register for classes in LancerPoint using CRN# 


    1. Complete Placement Tests
      • 只有当你是成人高中文凭课程的新手,没有上过高中 Placement tests before. 
    2. Meet with a Counselor
    3. Check your Registration Status Date in LancerPoint
    4. Register for classes in LancerPoint using CRN#